The following are our featured courses for this quarter:

Course Details
and Registration

The Book of Amos (Online Distance Version, not live)


An exegetically sound exposition of the Old Testament book of Amos. Amos is the first of the great writing prophets. From his early days as a humble shepherd in the southern Judah, Amos is called by God to be a prophet to the neighboring northern (and enemy) nation of Israel. Writing during the years immediately preceding the fall of the Israel (722 BC), Amos prophesied impending judgment upon both Israel and Judah-- as well as on the surrounding nations-- for their egregious sins against human rights and oppression of the poor and helpless.

Join Tom Jones, Joey Harris, and Douglas Jacoby for an in-depth look at the meaning of Amos. Learning the lessons of Amos will strengthen our faith in God, provide encouragement in the face of injustice, and equip believers with a solid knowledge of Old Testament prophecy. Amos gives us a glimpse of the heart of God towards all who are oppressed.

New Testament Interpretation (Online Distance Version, not live)


What many of us were never taught... Exegesis and hermeneutics--interpreting what a N.T. passage meant to those to whom it was written, and making a proper application to our situation today--are vital areas of theological training. There are units on exegesis of the Synoptic Gospels, Parables, Acts, Epistles, Revelation, and more. 20 useful passages and several books are studied, including Gordon Fee's How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth. Join Joey Harris, Douglas Jacoby, and Tom Jones for an in-depth look at how to interpret the New Testament.

Modifié le: lundi, 19 janvier 2015, 22:02