The AIM New Testament Module prepares students to understand and interpret the New Testament and to teach, preach, and study the New Testament accurately and confidently with others.

The New Testament Module includes a detailed overview of the New Testament, including how it came to be in its current form, an introduction to the authors and books of the New Testament, the types of writing contained in the New Testament, an introduction to the geography of the New Testament world, the Graeco-Roman background of the New Testament, how to properly read and understand the New Testament writings including the Gospels, the book of Acts, the Letters, and the book of Revelation, how to teach or preach from the New Testament, and an advanced, in-depth study of the Book of Hebrews as an example of applying what you've learned to a specific book of the New Testament.

This module is suitable for anyone interested in learning how to read, understand, and teach the New Testament to others, including those who wish a more profound knowledge of the New Testament, Bible Study leaders, small group leaders, ministers desiring a refresher, or anyone who wants more up-to-date knowledge of New Testament studies.

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AIM New Testament Module
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The AIM New Testament Module prepares students to understand and interpret the New Testament and to teach, preach, and study the New Testament accurately and confidently with others.

The New Testament Module includes a detailed overview of the New Testament, including how it came to be in its current form, an introduction to the authors and books of the New Testament, the types of writing contained in the New Testament, an introduction to the geography of the New Testament world, the Graeco-Roman background of the New Testament, how to properly read and understand the New Testament writings including the Gospels, the book of Acts, the Letters, and the book of Revelation, how to teach or preach from the New Testament, and an advanced, in-depth study of the Book of Hebrews as an example of applying what you've learned to a specific book of the New Testament.

This module is suitable for anyone interested in learning how to read, understand, and teach the New Testament to others, including those who wish a more profound knowledge of the New Testament, Bible Study leaders, small group leaders, ministers desiring a refresher, or anyone who wants more up-to-date knowledge of New Testament studies.

Imagen del curso AIM New Testament Survey 2023
AIM New Testament Module

New Testament Survey

Bible study— with an emphasis on careful teaching (2 Timothy 2:15)— constitutes nearly 40% of the course. This survey course introduces the student to the world of the New Testament, from the historical and geographical background to the culture of the first century to the formation of the New Testament itself. This course will use a variety of resources including the text of the New Testament, a textbook, multimedia online resources from the Bible Project, various resources on the Internet and live lectures.

Units: Synoptic Gospels, John, Acts, the Letters of Paul, the General Epistles, Revelation, and N.T. chronology. 

We will learn about the ancient Greek manuscripts in a special workshop, learning about the complex world of manuscript copying. A powerpoint presentation colorfully illustrates the amazing history of the transmission of the N.T. through the ages. In addition to studying a conservative N.T. textbook, the student will read the entire N.T. We will also learn how to deploy 100 useful N.T. passages.

Imagen del curso AIM New Testament Interpretation
AIM New Testament Module

What many of us were never taught… Exegesis and hermeneutics--interpreting what a N.T. passage meant to those to whom it was written, and making a proper application to our situation today--are vital areas of theological training.There are units on exegesis of the Synoptic Gospels, Parables, Acts, Epistles, Revelation, and more. 20 useful passages and several books will be studied, including Gordon Fee's How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth.

Imagen del curso AIM NT Exegesis: Exploring the Book of Hebrews
AIM New Testament Module

An exegetically sound exposition of the New Testament book of Hebrews.  The book of Hebrews is a fine example of early Christian teaching written to warn, instruct, and encourage early Christians with a Jewish background who were facing persecution and considering returning to non-Christian Judaism. Hebrews conclusively demonstrates through scriptural arguments that Christ is superior to everything that served to train and introduce people to Christ. Hebrews also contains excellent instruction to believers on the basics of the Christian faith and explains clearly how the Old and New covenants work together.

Join Tom Jones, Joey Harris, and Douglas Jacoby for an in-depth exploration and exegesis of the New Testament book of Hebrews. Learning the lessons of Hebrews will strengthen our faith in God, provide encouragement in the face of doubt, and equip believers with a solid basis for the background of early Christian teaching.

Imagen del curso AIM Communicating Biblical Truth (NT)
AIM New Testament Module
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Preaching is far, far more than constructing a three-point message, and a sermon is so much more than anecdotes, stories, and personal sharing. Expository sermons have punch and the full authority of the word of God. Without careful exposition, sermons are easily forgotten by the congregation; the preacher does not cause the word of Christ to dwell richly in the congregation (Colossians 3:16). Robinson, Stott, Goldsworthy, and Edwards (through their books) will be some of our instructors. Indeed, biblical preaching has a powerful impact (Matthew 7:28-29)! This course will help anyone (not just ministers!) to think through how to best communicate the New Testament through public speaking, teaching, and studies, with large groups, small groups, and individuals.